Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pictures and videos. :)

Shipwreak at tulamben.

Kuta's beach and restaurant

So the not so long awaiting time has come. pictures and videos. :)
I would really say, i am really fortunate to be where i am right now. Who really gets to go overseas every year and doing all the sports, learning whatever you want. Having the freedom you want. This do come easy for me. But of cuz things cannot be taken for granted. Ive to start working doubly,triply hard and making the best of myself as i can to repay my parents back. They deserve the best as well. Without them, there wont be me today.
so overall, the same words. JIAYOU!
Be it whether ive to work it alone, its a challenge without someone to share my thoughts with.
But at least i noe where to put my thoughts at.
So thanks to blogger.
Again, ive to park all my many years of posts,pictures and videos somewhere safe. So i pray that blogger will remain alive forever and ever and ever. But
I still like having my precious things tangible. ;) so yeaaaa.

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