Friday, October 26, 2007

Dealing With Disappointment

Dealing With Disappointment

Someone once said, "No appointments, no disappointments."

We experience these somewhat similar emotions when we have created expectations concerning what we will receive from others, life or even from ourselves. We might also feel such emotions concerning our own abilities or efforts when we are unable to achieve the goals we desire.

We feel this way when things do not happen the way we expected, or more often, when others are not who we expected them to be. We develop expectations, and then feel cheated when we they are not fulfilled.

When we succumb to such feelings, we often give up making any further effort, which in turn obstructs our growth. In order to handle disappointment, we have to first understand that we are all in a process of evolution and that no one is perfect. It is unreasonable to expect or demand perfection from ourselves or others. We would not be here in this evolutionary process if we did not have much to improve.

Have faith in the flow of life. There is a wisdom greater than ours. Something drives the salmon upriver. Something unfurls the flowers at dawn and closes them in the evening. Something makes the crystals grow in almost perfect asymmetry. We don't yet fully understand what that something is, but there's no denying it's there. So instead of demanding results immediately, we need to learn that change, manifestation and creation are usually slow organic processes.

Now this is hard to do when faced with disappointment - having confidence that with patience, practice and perseverance, we can manifest the changes we seek. But it's crucial that we develop greater trust in our ability to manifest our goals and life purpose with or without the help of specific persons.

See how you can achieve greater self-sufficiency. When we are independent, we need less from others and will expect less from them. What are the gaps in your life you now require others to fill? How can you work towards filling them yourself?

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